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Work Experience

Web Project Manager
Georgetown University, Remote
September 2019 – Present

  • Successfully led website migration projects for high-profile stakeholders, including McDonough School of Business, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, and various units and departments.
  • Directed a comprehensive two-year project, GU WordPress NextGen, resulting in the creation of a new codebase and shared WordPress template.
  • Assumed the role of Interim Scrum Master, facilitating daily scrum, weekly retrospectives, and sprint planning meetings. Prioritized backlogs and ensured agile methodologies were effectively implemented.
  • Collaborates closely with high-profile stakeholders, project managers, developers, and designers.
  • Writes Quality Assurance requirements, conducts user acceptance testing, and provides user support.

Program Manager
University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, VA
April 2018 – September 2019

  • Directed the Domain of One’s Own program initiatives and oversaw domain creation, content management, and content strategy.
  • Managed and mentored department student aides and student fellows.
  • Developed a variety of WordPress templates, to support faculty and staff in refining content strategy, managing content, and improving user experience.
  • Collaborated with faculty, staff, and students to integrate digital tools into teaching, learning, and research.
  • Spearheaded discussions on the concept and importance of digital identity.
  • Created and maintained comprehensive programmatic and troubleshooting documentation.
  • Provided user support for WordPress ensuring a positive user experience and resolving issues promptly.

    Entry-Level Instructional Technology Specialist
    University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, VA
    August 2015 – April 2018

    • Promoted best web practices and content management initiatives, specializing in WordPress.
    • Collaborated with faculty, staff, and students to integrate digital tools into teaching, learning, and research.
    • Spearheaded discussions on the concept and importance of digital identity.
    • Maintained programmatic and troubleshooting documentation.
    • Provided user support for WordPress ensuring a positive user experience and resolving issues promptly.

    Digital Knowledge Center Student Tutor
    University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, VA
    September 2014 – May 2015

    • Developed in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience with numerous digital tools including Domain of One’s Own, WordPress, UMW Blogs, media editing, mapping & timeline tools, Zotero, Google Drive, basic HTML & CSS, and basic 3D printing.
    • Assisted students gain a working knowledge of the above digital tools and their uses.
    • Wrote individual tutoring reports for professors and to use for data collection.
    • Performed quality assurance checks and edit digital tool documentation and tutorials.
    • Led student workshops for creating, building and tailoring domains and web presence.
    • Created and maintained social media pages for the DKC.


    • Project Planning and Organization
    • Agile Methodologies, Scrum Framework
    • Trello
    • Collaborative Communication
    • Quality Assurance 
    • User-Centered Design: Usability Testting, User Flows, Content Strategy, Information Architecture
    • WordPress, Squarespace
    • Adobe Photoshop, XD, Express


      M.S. User-Centered Design
      Brandeis University, Online 
      June 2019

      B.A. History, Digital Studies Minor
      University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, VA
      May 2015
      Summa Cum Laude

      Committees and Initiatives

      UMW Safe Zone Program
      2018 – 2019
      UMW’s Safe Zone Program seeks to foster an environment which affirms an inclusive and supportive community for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) citizens and allies, to create opportunities and resources to allow UMW to embrace the full range of diversities, and create maximum educational engagement for all. In keeping with these goals, the program seeks to educate its citizens, provide appropriate referrals, assess campus climate, and advocate for community members.

      • Lead training workshops for faculty, staff, and students designed to help them become more informed and supportive allies for the LGBTQ community
      • Social Media Manager
      • Attended monthly meetings to discuss the curriculum and events
      • Assisted at Safe Zone events

      Digital Knowledge Faculty Initiative 
      2017 – 2018
      A series of discussions led by the Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies at UMW about education on and with the Web and a practical workshop for developing a new digital project or assignment.

      • Collaborated and supported faculty and staff participants
      • Served as a participant representing DTLT

      2016 – 2017
      COPLACDigital is a Mellon Foundation-funded initiative to develop distance mentoring digital liberal arts courses across the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges consortium. Based on the highly successful Century America seminar, COPLACDigital brings together faculty, students, archivists, and instructional technologists to collaborate in the public creation of knowledge. 

      • Served as the Instructional Technologist for UMW
      • Created course trailers


      Domains 2019: Back to the Future, Durham, NC 
      June 2019
      An educational technology conference hosted by Reclaim Hosting. This iteration of the conference focuses on the IndieWeb, Learning Tools, Accessibility, Containers and the Cloud, Privacy and Surveillance, and Data Ownership

      • Presentation: If You Give A Student A Domain, They’ll Probably Want A Domainosaur
      • Art Installation: Portal on Site
      • Art Installation: The Battle of Silicon Valley

      Digital Pedagogy Lab, Fredericksburg, VA
      August 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
      A series of professional development events at University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA. Open to teachers, students, librarians, administrators, and technologists looking to explore the role and application of technology in education.

      • 2019: On-ground support
      • 2017, 2018: Managed the student aides, organized student aides shift schedules and duties, provided technical support for attendees, assisted in ordering swag bags for attendees
      • 2016: Participated in the Activism on the Web track.

      Domains 2017: Indie EdTech and Other Curiosities, Oklahoma City, OK
      June 2017
      An educational technology conference co-hosted by the University of Oklahoma and Reclaim Hosting. The conference brings together members of higher education institutions running a unique style of Domain of One’s Own to learn from each other and share ideas. 

      • Presentation: “We’re not DoOOMed: From Student Tutor to Instructional Technologist” with Jenna Azar.

        My portion of the presentation covered my experience with Domain of One’s Own. Starting as a student on the pilot program, continuing through my undergraduate years, and working with the project now as an Instructional Technologist. 

      WPCampus, Sarasota, FL
      July 2016
      A two-day event with 38 sessions from 41 speakers covering a variety of topics, all dedicated to the confluence of WordPress in higher education.

      EduCon 2.8, Philadelphia, PA
      January 2016
      An innovation conference where we can come together, both in person and virtually, to discuss the future of schools. Every session will be an opportunity to discuss and debate ideas — from the very practical to the big dreams.

      • Presentation: “Students helping Students use Tech,” with Martha Burtis and Jeff McClurken about the Digital Knowledge Center at UM, 

      Undergraduate Honors and Awards

      President’s List
      Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014

      Dean’s List
      2011 – 2012, Spring 2015

      Department of History and American Studies Certificate of Excellence

      • For superior achievement in History 299: Introduction to the Study of History

      Phi Beta Kappa
      2015 – Present

      • USA’s Oldest Academic Honor Society

      Phi Alpha Theta
      President, 2014 – 2015

      • History Department Honor Society

      Pi Gamma Mu

      • International Honor Society for Social Sciences
      • Virginia Zeta Chapter at the University of Mary Washington

      Alpha Phi Sigma
      2012 – 2015 (Chapter disbanded)

      • Community Service Honor Society

      National Society of Collegiate Scholars
      2012 – 2015

        Undergraduate Extracurricular Activities

        President’s Council for Sustainability, UMW
        2014 – 2015
        Student Representative Member

        UMW Whovians Club, UMW
        Co-President, 2013 – 2015

        • Doctor Who enthusiast community organization.
        • Co-founder, author of constitution.

        Student Government Association, UMW
        2011 – 2013
        Westmoreland Hall Senator, Virginia Hall Senator

        • Propose motions to improve the quality of campus life at UMW
        • Vote on motions based on constituents’ requests

        Operation Smile Club, UMW
        2011 – 2013

        • Support fundraising goal of over $1,000 annually to fund at least four corrective surgeries for children born with cleft palate or cleft lips

        Class Council Class of 2015, UMW
        2011 – 2012

        • Managed a $9,700 budget  for Devil Goat Day, an annual event and UMW tradition for 1,000+ students
        • Performed contract and vendor management.